Nikola Tesla My Inventions Pdf Download

The paper gives a short review of Tesla's major inventions including the rotating magnetic field, the Tesla coil and transformer, and the power struggle between Edison's direct current systems and the Tesla-Westinghouse alternating current approach. It also looks at some of Tesla's visionary ideas

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Mikrotalasna revija Septembar 2001.



Jasmina Vuji}

Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA

Aleksandar Marin~i}

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Milos Ercegovac

Computer Science Department, University of California at Los Angeles, CA, USA

Bratislav Milovanovi}

Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Ni{, Yugoslavia

(Introductory Lecture)

"Were we to seize and eliminate from our industrial world the results of Mr. Tesla's work, the wheels of industry

would cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would be dark, our mills would be dead

and idle. Yes, so far reaching is his work that it has become the warp and woof of industry. The name of Tesla ...

marks and epoch in the advance of electrical science. From that work has sprung a revolution." B. A. Behrend,

engineer and colleague of Tesla, 1917


Nikola Tesla was a visionary genius whose sometimes

radical ideas established the ba sis for everything that now

powers our world with energy and information. Without his

inventions the widespread electrification that touched the

majority of people on the planet would not have been

possible. In writings about Tesla, one often finds statements

such as that he "invented the twentieth century" or "the

twenty first century", or even that he "invented the future".

Dr. James Corum, one of the scientists continuing Tesla's

work, summarizes poetically Tesla's contributions: "The

electrical power flowing from our great generators,

illuminating our vast cities, dispelling the inky blackness of

the night, and the telecommunications cohesively linking the

homes and businesses of our civilization, across continents,

around the globe and through the distant reaches of space -

these are all monuments testifying to the successful life of this

little known, but uniquely admirable, scientist, inventor,

engineer, futurist, and citizen of the world." [1]

Tesla invented and created the polyphase alternating current

energy transmission, system of motors and generators that

powers the world. He also invented apparatus for radio

transmission based on the use of resonance and a kind of

spread-technique. Among the more than 700 of Tesla's other

inventions/patents are the rotating magnetic field principle,

polyphase alternating-current system, induction motor,

wireless communication, fluorescent lights, use of high-

frequency (h.f.) currents in medicine and remote control.

Tesla was also a visionary thinker, who conceived many

ideas, some controversial, which are related to several of

today's mainstream technologies ranging from wireless

communication systems, radar, television broadcasting,

robotics, computers, faxes, and even the U.S. Strategic

Defense Initiative.

Recognized by his peers and neglected by his modern

successors, Tesla's life illustrates a working definition of the

word success. However, he is still not recognized for many of

his fundamental inventions. Such is the case of radio for

which even the U.S. Supreme Court in 1943 determined Tesla

as inventor. Tesla is one of only two Americans to have a unit

of electrical measurement named in his honor.


The Discovery of the Rotating Magnetic Field. Tesla's

discovery of the rotating magnetic field produced by the

interactions of two and three phase alternating currents in a

motor winding was one of his most significant achievements,

and formed the basis of his induction motor and polyphase

system for the generation and transmission of electricity.

Thanks to this invention, large amounts of electrical power

could be generated and transmitted efficiently over long

distances. To this day, the three-phase form of Tesla's

polyphase system is used for the generation and transmission

of electricity. Moreover, the conversion of electricity into

mechanical power is made possible by updated versions of

Tesla's three-phase and split phase motors.[3,4,9]

The Discovery of the Tesla Coil and Transformer

. His

experiments with high frequency and high potential

alternating currents resulted in the development of the "Tesla

coil" which is still used as a major component in numerous

electronic devices. "Tesla coil" is a transformer with an air

core that has both its primary and secondary tuned in

resonance. As part of other experiments Tesla also developed

the precursors of modern neon and florescent lights. These

September, 2001 Microwave Review


elongated glass tubes filled with gas and coated with

phosphor, were emitting light through excitation in his high

voltage experiments. He also discovered that high voltage

current could be made harmless by using alternating current

scheme at very large frequencies and predicted that it could

be used for medical purposes. [3,9,10]

War of the Currents

. In May 1885, George Westinghouse,

head of the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh,

bought the patent rights to Tesla's polyphase system of

alternating-current (AC) dynamos, transformers, and motors.

Peck and Brown agreed to sell the Tesla patents to

Westinghouse for $25,000 in cash, $50,000 in notes and a

royalty of $2.50 per horsepower for each motor. Agreement

meant that Westinghouse would pay Tesla, Peck, and Brown

$315,000 over the 17 year life of the patents. The transaction

precipitated a titanic power struggle between Edison's direct-

current systems and the Tesla-Westinghouse alternating-

current approach, which eventually won out. Thanks to the

media blitz that he orchestrated, Thomas Alva Edison become

a familiar household name linked to the electrification of the

U.S. In reality, Edison did not create or develop the

alternating current system. He fought its adoption bitterly,

choosing instead to promote a system of direct current that

had already been invented by others. It was Thomas Edison

who invented the electric chair to frighten people away from

the use of Tesla's AC system of electricity. In short, Edison's

brief role in the electrical power industry was that of an

entrepreneur who failed, rather than an inventor. It was Nikola

Tesla's discovery of the rotating magnetic field principle in

1882 and patented in 1888 that gave us our modern-day

system of electrical power distribution. [2,5,7,11]

Niagara Falls

. In October 1893 the Niagara Falls

Commission awarded Westinghouse a contract to build the

power plant at the Falls, using the generators that Tesla has

designed. Those dynamos of 5000 horsepower were the

largest ever built thus far. General Electric (who by that time

took over Edison, Thompson-Houston, and other companies),

licensing certain number of Tesla's patents, was awarded a

contract to build 22 miles of transmission lines to Buffalo, a

city near the Niagara Falls. Tesla's polyphase system would

be used throughout the project. The first three Niagara AC

generators went on line November 16, 1896. " The evolution of

electric power, from the discovery of Faradey in 1831 to the

initial great installation of the Tesla polyphase system in

1896, is undoubtedly the most tremendous event in all

engineering history" (Charles E. Scott, 1943) [7]

The Great Radio Controversy

. Marconi was the first to send

a message across the ocean, and thus, he is partly responsible

for 'developing' radio...but he did NOT invent it. Tesla did.

Otis Pond, an engineer then working for Tesla, said, "Looks as

if Marconi got the jump on you." Tesla replied , "Marconi is a

good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my

patents. " Most people are unaware of what happened June 21,

1943: The United States Supreme Court made a landmark

decision that essentially settled the long dispute between

Marchese Guglielmo Marconi and Nikola Tesla. The court's

decision, Case No. 369, identified as "Marconi Wireless

Telegraph Company of America vs. United States," rendered

invalid Marconi's basic patent No. 763,772 dated June 28,

1904. Tesla's patent No. 645,576 of March 20, 1900, and its

subdivision patent for apparatus No. 649,621 dated May 15,

1900, had priority. Still, in a special journal issue, celebrating

100 years of radio, International Telecommunication Union

did not mention Tesla among "the six great inventors of

radio" (Faraday, Maxwell, Branly, Lodge, Popov, Marconi).


Remote Control and Automation

. In 1898, at the first

Electrical Exhibition in Madison Square Garden, Tesla

demonstrated the world's first radio-controlled robot boat.

Tesla applied his receivers and transmitters in remote ship

control, and he was granted a patent in 1898 for "The Method

of and Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving

Vessels or Vehicles"- Tesla's patent No. 613,809 of

November 8, 1898. This invention made Tesla an originator of

remote control. Unfortunately, as with many of Tesla's

inventions, this invention was so far ahead of its time that

those who observed it could not imagine its practical


The Great Smithsonian Controversy

. The Smithsonian


published in 1978 "The Smithsonian Book of

Invention"[16] where it presented America's greatest

inventors and their inventions. Tesla's name does not appear

anywhere in that publication. One wonders how such an

august institution could possibly ignore Tesla's contributions

in the evolution of electric power and radio. In another

Smithsonian's publication "Lighting a Revolution" [17], in the

section "The Beginning of the Electrical Age" the history of

electricity from Volta to Edison is presented, naming 43

significant contributors, yet Nikola Tesla's name is missing.

Instead, the publication shows pictures of the Niagara Falls

Power project, and readers are carefully guided into believing

that this was the work of Edison. Yet it was Tesla's polyphase

AC system that the power commission adopted and licenses

had to be issued to use Tesla's patents. Money for this

publication came from the Thomas Alva Edison Foundation,

and is another proof that The War of Currents is not over yet.


Tesla Award

. The IEEE, which considers Tesla one of the

12 "apostles" of electrical science, continues to offer an

annual prize in the field of power engineering in his name:

"The IEEE Nikola Tesla Award was established in 1975

through agreement between the IEEE Power Engineering

Society and the Board of Directors of the Institute of

Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. The award consists

of a plaque and a cash prize. It maybe awarded each year by

the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the

Technical Field Awards Council of the Awards Board to an

individual, or group of individuals, who have made

outstanding contributions to the field of Generation and

Utilization of Electric Power. The Award is named in honor of

Nikola Tesla, an electrical engineer, a distinguished

Yugoslav-American inventor, and a pioneer in many fields,

who is most renowned for the development of the coil that

bears his name and the a-c induction motor." [18]

Until 1990 the IEEE Nikola Tesla Award included the

golden plaque of Yugoslav Nikola Tesla Association for the

Promotion of Scientific Knowledge and golden coins with

Tesla's feature and plaque of Yugoslav Power Industries

Mikrotalasna revija Septembar 2001.


The Unit of Magnetic Flux Density . In 1956, Tesla's peers

at the Electrotechnical Conference in Munich acknowledged

his monumental contributions to science by designating his

name to represent a unit of magnetic measurement. Thus, the

"tesla" (T) became the Unit of Magnetic Flux Density in the

MKS system. Throughout the entire history of electrical

science only fifteen men worldwide have received this honor.



"The present is theirs; the future, for which I really

worked, is mine." TESLA

In his visionary ideas Tesla was so far ahead of his time, so

much a visionary, that his contemporary scientists really didn't

understand what he was doing. We witness today realization

of some of Tesla's visionary ideas, that he envisioned at the

end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century. Many times he

was misunderstood, or looked upon as an eccentric or even a

lunatic. This created a great difficulty for Tesla and his ability

to attract investors who would fund his research work. Only in

few cases (such as collaboration with Westinghouse) he was

able to fully complete his visions. In 1900, Tesla began

construction on Long Island of a wireless world broadcasting

tower (Wardenclyffe Tower), with $150,000 capital from the

American financier J. Pierpont Morgan. Tesla was planning to

provide worldwide communication with ability to send

pictures, messages, weather warnings, and stock reports. The

project was abandoned because of a financial panic, and

Morgan's withdrawal of support.

Several Tesla's biographers point out that Tesla was a true

scientist who lacked ability to broadly commercialize his

work. Tesla needed money to do his research, while Edison

used his inventions to earn a lot of money. W. Bernard

Carlson, professor of history at the University of Virginia,

who is currently writing a book on Tesla, titled "Nikola Tesla,

Illusion, and Invention in Nineteenth-Century Electricity"

points out [11]:

"Throughout his career, Tesla strove to find the ideal

principle on which to base a new revolutionary

invention, whether it be the principle of a rotating

magnetic field at the heart of his AC motor or the

concept of tuning radio waves in his remote control

boat. Having identified the grand idea behind an

invention, Tesla was willing to write it up in a patent

and he took great delight in demonstrating it to the

public. However, once he had demonstrated an

invention, Tesla was not interested in the nitty-gritty

work of converting his invention into a practical,

money-making product. With the remote-control boat

as well as his other inventions, Tesla assumed that

someone else would take care of the messy realities of

manufacturing and marketing."

Among many Tesla's visionary ideas, we will mention only

few that came to realization only recently, or are still waiting

to be utilized: (a) Global wireless system for transmission of

signals and energy, (b) Remote control foundations, (c)

Vertical takeoff aircraft (VTOL), (d) Pump design suited for

micromachines, (e) Use of geothermal energy, and (f) Vision

of "electrical" future. [12]

(a) Vision of Wireless Communication (Magnifying

Transmitter patented 1914). In early 1990's Tesla wrote "… a

telephone subscriber here may call up and talk to any other

subscriber on the Globe. An inexpensive receiver, no bigger

than a watch, will enable him to listen anywhere, on land or

sea, to a speech delivered, or music played in some other

place, however distant." Sounds familiar? It took a better part

of the 20th century for this Tesla vision to be realized. He had

three goals: to develop a transmitter of great power, to perfect

means for individualizing and isolating the energy transmitted

(e.g., signals), to establish the laws of propagation of currents

through the earth and the atmosphere. [13, 14]

Tesla envisioned global system of multimedia

communication that included: world-wide wireless

transmission of signals, pictures, and messages; integration

with existing communication equipment; the universal

distribution of general news, by telegraph or telephone, in

connection with the Press (Internet); the interconnection of the

existing telegraph/telephone exchanges or offices in the

world; the interconnection and oper ation of all stock tickers of

the world; global weather warning; the establishment of

intelligence transmission for exclusive private use; the

establishment of secret and secure government telegraph

service; the global positioning system. He also talked about

using the same system to transmit energy, making it a free

resource (J. P. Morgan was not happy about this Tesla's idea).

(b) Remote control foundations (Patented in 1898).


laid the foundation of remote control systems (what he called

teleautomation) in 1898 at the first Electrical Exhibition in

Madison Square Garden. He demonstrated how the ships and

mechanical gadgets could be controlled remotely using a

wireless principle. In Tesla's own words we can recognize the

basis for what we call today "Computers" and even one step

further "Artificial Intelligence": "[it will be able to follow a

course laid out …or obey commands given far in advance, it

will be capable between what it ought and what it ought not to

do … and of recording impressions which will definitely affect

its subsequent actions".

(c) Vertical takeoff aircraft -VTOL (Patented in 1928).


initial idea appears in 1921. He envisioned a vertical take-off

and landing aircraft, with combined helicopter and airplane

features. Although he gave a thrust analysis of VTOL, it was

never built by Tesla. However, VTOLs are in military use

today (V-22 Osprey, for example). Tesla also envisioned a

horseshoe-shaped VTOL with a horizontally placed turbine,

which rides on a thin layer of air. Tesla never built it, but

similarly designed hovercraft is commercially available today.


(d) Pump design suited for micromachines (Patented in

1920). Traditional method of controlling fluid flow with

valves is imperfect due to: mechanical wear of moving parts,

inability to control rapid flow "impulses", inability to control

the flow when the fluid is hi ghly heated or corrosive. Tesla

proposed an ingenious conduit without moving parts, that

could be defined as a "fluid diode". It has clearly defined

"direct vs. reverse" flows, such that the resistance in the

reverse flow is several hundred times larger than in the direct

flow. It could be easily constructed and modularly expanded.

It is ideally suited for micromachines, due to high reliability,

and no interference with parts. Possible applications include

September, 2001 Microwave Review


medical applications: such as drug dispensing in the body.


(e) Use of geothermal power

. In 1931 Tesla discussed the

design of the power plants based on the geothermal energy.

The geothermal power today has a great role as one of the

renewable energy sources.

(f) Vision of "electrical" future

. Tesla's prediction include:

The widespread use of hydro-electric power generation and of

AC for transmission; electri cal control of atmospheric

moisture (not yet accomplished); use in appliances

(refrigeration, etc.), lighting, and propulsion; use in

agricultural domain: pest control, elimination of microbes, …;

collision-preventing instruments; "In a time not too distant it

will be possible to flash any image formed in thought on a

screen and render it visible at any place desired"; a voice-

operated typewriter; picture/text transmission (fax); electric

guns and teleautomatic aerial torpedoes (cruise missile?). [12]

It is interesting to point out that the widespread

electrification was chosen as the greatest engineering

achievement of the 20th century by the U.S. National

Academy of Engineering (NAE), which organized the

selection of the top 20 engineering feats [15]:

"In the 20th century, widespread electrification gave

us power for our cities, factories, farms, and homes -

and forever changed our lives. Thousands of

engineers made it happen, with innovative work in

fuel sources, power generating techniques, and

transmission grids. From street lights to

supercomputers, electric power makes our lives safer,

healthier, and more convenient."

On their Web site ( in

the history of the electrification, NAE emphasized: "The work

of engineers such as Nikola Tesla and Charles Steinmetz led

to the successful commercialization of alternating current

(AC), which enabled transmission of high-voltage power over

large distances."


We will conclude our short presentation with the words of

E.H. Armstrong, FM Radio Pioneer:

"The world, I think, will wait a long time for Nikola

Tesla's equal in achievement and imagination."



[1] James Corum, "On the Position of Nikola Tesla Among the

Founders of Modern Electrical Science And

Technology,"Lecture for the course Eng 24: Nikola Tesla - The

Genius Who Lit the World, The University of California at

Berkeley, CA, USA, Dec 4, 2000


[2] Margaret Cheney, "Tesla, Man Out of Time," New Jersey:

Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1981

[3] Encyclopedia Americana, Vol 26, Grolier Inc: Connecticut,

1997, Pp. 527-528.

[4] Marc J. Seifer, "Wizard: The Li fe and Times of Nikola Tesla:

Biography of a Genius," New Jersey: Carol Publishing Group,


[5] John Wagner, personal communication( also see

[6] Z. Herskovits, "To the Smithsonian or Bust: The Scientific

Legacy of Nikola Tesla," Yale Scinetific Magazine, Volume

71, Issue 4 (1999)

[7] Margaret Cheney and Robert Uth, "Tesla: Master of

Lightning," Barnes&Noble, 1999.

[8] Nikola Tesla, "My Inventions," Skolska Knjiga, Zagreb, 1990.

[9] Thomas C. Martin, "The Inventions, Researches and Writings

of Nikola Tesla," Barnes&Noble, 1995.

[10] A. Marincic, Editor, "Nikola Tesla: Colorado Spring Notes

1899-1900," Nolit, Beograd, Yugoslavia, 1978.

[11] W. Bernard Carlson, "Motors, Myths, and History: An

Historian Looks at the Nikola Tesla and the Invention of the

AC Motor," Lecture for the course Eng 24: Nikola Tesla - The

Genius Who Lit the World, The University of California at

Berkeley, CA, USA, Nov 20, 2000.


[12] M. Ercegovac, "Tesla's Visionary Ideas," Lecture for the

course Eng 24: Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World,

The University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA, Sep 16,

2000. (


[13] N. Tesla , "The Transmission of Electric Energy without

Wires," Electrical World and Engineer, March 5, 1904.

[14] N. Tesla, "The Future of the Wireless Art," Wireless

Telegraphy and Telephony, 1908, p. 67-71

[15] "Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century,"

U.S. National Academy of Engineering.

(, February 2000.

[16] "The Smithsonian book of invention," Smithsonian Institution ;

New York : distributed by W. W. Norton, c1978.

[17] "Lighting a Revolution," National Museum of History and

Technology, Smithsonian Institution, 1979.

[18] EEE Power Engineering Society

... The Discovery of the Rotating Magnetic Field and AC System of Motors, Generators and Transformers. [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] Tesla's discovery of the rotating magnetic field produced by the interactions of two and three phase alternating currents in a motor winding was one of his most significant achievements, and formed the basis of his induction motor and polyphase system for the generation and transmission of electricity. Thanks to this invention, large amounts of electrical power could be generated and transmitted efficiently over long distances. ...

... Moreover, the conversion of electricity into mechanical power is made possible by updated versions of Tesla's three-phase and split phase motors. [2] [3] [4] [9] ...

... The Discovery of the Tesla Coil and Transformer – Experiments with High Frequency. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Tesla's experiments with high frequency and high voltage alternating currents resulted in the development of the " Tesla Coil " which is still used as a major component in numerous electronic devices. " Tesla coil " is a transformer with an air core that has both its primary and secondary tuned in resonance. ...

... Electricity was developed by scientists such as Girolamo Cardano in 1550, William Gilbert in 1600, Sir Thomas Browne in 1646 and Benjamin Franklin in 1752 [5]. Nikola Tesla was a visionary inventor that developed this field further by inventing alternating current energy transmission, systems of motors and generators [6]. He constructed a brushless alternating current induction motor in 1887 and successfully demonstrated it to the American Institute of Electric Engineers (AIEE) in 1888 [7]. ...

Electric utility regulators and policy makers implement incentive-based regulation to improve electric utilities efficiency or to manage the cost of electricity. However, poorly implemented regulation may produce undesired results such as low reliability or poor quality of service. Moreover, the competition within the electricity sector is likely to be low because of the high barriers to entry, vertically integrated electric utilities, and high capital requirements. Therefore, benchmarking exercises allow policy makers and regulators to gauge the relative efficiency of electric utilities and help them to reward or penalize the electric utilities accordingly. In this study, we examined the variables that significantly influence the efficiency of electric utilities and developed an optimum method to measure the efficiency of the electric utilities. The results of the efficiency measurement were then used to rank the electric utilities. The result of this study indicates that there are 13 variables that significantly affect the efficiency score of electric utilities and three stage virtual frontier data envelopment analysis (3S-VF-DEA) is the optimum method to measure the efficiency of the electric utilities.

... " Dr. James Corun, unul dintre oamenii de știință care a continuat munca lui Nikola Tesla, rezumă contribuția lui Tesla la inovarea tehnologică astfel: " Energia electrică care curge de la generatoarele noastre mari, luminează vastele noastre orașe, risipind bezna nopții, iar telecomunicațiile leagă casele și afacerile civilizației noastre, pe toate continentele, în întreaga lume prin întinderile îndepărtate ale spațiului -acestea sunt toate monumentele care dovedesc viața cu succes a acestui puțin cunoscut, dar în mod unic admirabil, om de știință, inventator, inginer, vizionar, și cetățean al lumii. " [4], [17]. Inovația tehnologică trece dincolo de brevet, fiind caracterizată de punerea în aplicație a ideii brevetate. ...

  • Ghita Costela Beatrice

ABSTRACT. Concerned about the issue of mankind's future, Nikola Tesla, from whose birth we celebrate 160 years, has had innovative ideas which can be assimilated with current concepts of sustainable development and smart city. In this context, the paper deals with an analysis of Nikola Tesla ideas and patents which have been later materialized in technological innovations. Arguments are given on the impact of Nikola Tesla patents in the foundation of the sustainable development strategy, for the implementing the energy sustainability and the smart city concept.

... Later in his career, Tesla demonstrated wireless power transmission using radio frequency waves and is credited with the invention of the radio [63]. ...

Radio frequency (RF) signals provide a near ubiquitous energy source due to the large number of TV, radio, cellular, and Wi-Fi transmitters throughout our urban environments. While the traditional use of RF signals is for data transfer, it is possible to harvest, convert, and store the energy in these signals for use in a variety of applications. In general, the energy harvesting process includes four stages: excitation of current in an antenna by an incident electromagnetic wave, recti?cation of the resulting power at the antenna output, conversion of this power to optimal voltage and current levels, and ?nally, energy storage in a capacitor or battery for later use. This chapter describes a sensor node that is powered by UHF television broadcast signals. The sensor node transmits the measured data wirelessly over a short distance using a IEEE 802.15.4 radio. Typically broadcast television signals are considered to be sources of information, but this chapter demonstrates that these ubiquitous ambient signals can be used as a power source to do non-trivial work.

  • Colm Joseph O'Rourke

Microgrids are regions where local generation and loads are clustered together. Students from the LEES group at MIT are currently developing an experimental microgrid. This will enable various studies in the area of microgrid dynamics. The setup consists of a variety of modules that emulate both conventional and renewable sources. In this thesis, we focus on the design of one of these modules: the solar PV emulator. The complete design of a solar PV emulator will be described. Firstly, AC and DC models of a solar cell are introduced. These models specify design constraints for the power electronic circuitry. They also indicate a desired performance for the feedback control system. The controller design is discussed and the effect of load type on the closed-loop dynamics are considered. This is especially interesting for the grid-connected case. The design methodology culminates in the construction of an experimental prototype of the hardware solar PV emulator. The modular design approach is outlined as are its benefits to the overall construction of the microgrid. A Generic Controller board that can be used for all future power electronic modules in the microgrid is also designed and fabricated. The results of simulations and experiments are discussed and it is shown that it is possible for a buck converter to emulate the steady state dynamics associated with solar PV panels.

  • John Lewis
  • Eric T. Matson Eric T. Matson
  • Sherry Wei

As robots become more pervasive and ubiquitous in the lives of humans, they become increasingly involved in everyday tasks formerly executed by humans. Humans should expect robots to take on tasks to simplify our lives, by working with humans just as other humans do, in normal organizations and societies. This labor specialization allows humans more comfort, time or focus on higher level desires or tasks. To further this unification of relationships, the defined line between humans and other non-humans must become more indistinguishable. This ever increasing degree of indistin-guishability provides we care less about who or what executes a task or solves a goal, as long as that entity is capable and available. In this paper, we propose a model and a simple example implementation which minimizes the strict line between humans, software agents, robots, machines and sensors (HARMS) and reduces the distinguishability between these actors.

  • Dale
  • Daniel R
  • M. Eng. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007. This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections. Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-101). Automated ground maintenance is a necessity for multi-UAV systems. Without such automation, these systems will become more of a burden than a benefit as human operators struggle to contend with maintenance operations for large numbers of vehicles. By creating autonomous UAV systems that can take care of themselves, human operators will be free to concentrate on higher level tasks such as using the information gathered by the system to direct future mission activities. This thesis describes the design, testing, construction, and usage of the first fully autonomous recharge system for small, battery-powered UAVs. This system was used to perform the first fully-autonomous quadrotor UAV long-term flight tests and to conduct multi-UAV mission management research. In addition, this thesis describes, to the best of our knowledge, the first landing and recharge of a UAV on a mobile recharge platform. by Daniel R. Dale. M.Eng.

Tesla's Visionary Ideas Lecture for the course Eng 24: Nikola Tesla-The Genius Who Lit the World The University of California at

  • M Ercegovac

Motors, Myths, and History: An Historian Looks at the Nikola Tesla and the Invention of the AC Motor Lecture for the course Eng 24: Nikola Tesla-The Genius Who Lit the World, The University of California at

  • W. Bernard Carlson

On the Position of Nikola Tesla Among the Founders of Modern Electrical Science And TechnologyLecture for the course Eng 24: Nikola Tesla-The Genius Who Lit the World, The University of California at

  • James Corum

To the Smithsonian or Bust: The Scientific j Legacy of Nikola Tesla

  • Z Herskovits


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